Profession: Surveyor Offshore (online and offline)
Name: Virginie Ugo
Working at iPS since: 2018
Education: Bachelor | oceanographer-prospector from INTERCHMER
Years of experience: 5,5 years
Required skills: Knowledge in hydrography, good computer literacy and
natural adaptability each project is different.
Best thing about the job
‘I always knew I wanted to work in the marine field and I discovered hydrography thanks to my school.´
Virginie Ugo went directly in the offshore business after she graduated. She already knew she wanted to be in the marine industry.
‘I don’t like to stay at the office. The job is definitely more interesting at sea for me, being involved in huge projects like the installation of an offshore wind farm is very exciting. And also the work schedule has its benefits. Usually, it is 4 weeks of work versus 4 weeks of holiday.
Obviously, it’s not always appreciated but that’s the offshore world; it’s never predictable. ’ That doesn’t mean it’s always pleasant. Working in this industry requires dedication and a certain lifestyle: ‘It’s very hard to plan my personal life with this job. And to be far away from home, for at least 4 weeks, is sometimes difficult. But it’s definitely worth it.’
Now, working as a surveyor via iPS, Virginie enjoys the wide variety of her job: ‘iPS found me my first project in 2018. I can be an online or offline surveyor and can be placed in several situations. On the Aeolus, I was an online surveyor so my role with the survey team was to ensure the right position, orientation, and verticality of the monopile and Transition Piece using 2 laser scanners and total stations. On the Nexus I was an online surveyor as well, but my role was to monitor the touch down point of the cable with an echoscope during the laying to be sure it is inside the corridor tolerance. On the Bravenes and the Geofocus as offline surveyor I did multibeam bathymetry data processing. So, every day requires a different role. Most of the time I am sent on projects I never did before, and sometimes with software I don’t know.
The first cable I layed by myself without any help was onboard of the Nexus. I am proud to be able to learn and adapt quite quickly’ Virginie has a clear vision of how her future career should be: ‘I would like to find a permanent position of hydrographic surveyor in Australia to move there permanently. If I have the chance to find a permanent job in a good company, I hope to evolve from hydrographic surveyor to party chief and then, finally, to chief surveyor.’
Our candidates
We mediate positions at every level of a company or project, from blue collar to white collar. We think it is very important that candidates feel that they are not employed ‘through iPS’, but rather ‘by iPS’. Candidates are willing to commit themselves to us, because iPS actively anticipates career perspectives and takes the needs of candidates into consideration. In addition, our payroll candidates are always paid on time, regardless of whether or not our client pays on time. In doing so, we create a privileged relationship with our candidates.
Crossing borders
Our Powerful People colleagues are working at their offices around the globe. We celebrate our multicultural DNA, because together we can achieve more. We introduce four of our colleagues who live and work in different countries than the country in which they were born. Why did they make their choice? What are the differences they experience? Read their stories.